What’s the antidote to constantly hearing the same types of similar speakers on every public stage and platform?
How can we ensure that new, diverse impactful voices can be heard?
That’s exactly what Dr. Tricia Richards-Service, communication scholar and two-time Fulbright awardee asked herself - and then answered - by founding I Need a Speaker, a platform for connecting speakers with audiences, specifically designed to remove the barriers posed by traditional speaker bureaus, to amplify new voices that need to be heard.
Join us for episode 5 of Let’s Clarify It, in which Tricia shares:
How she learned that the best, engaging stories don’t necessarily come from celeb or professional speakers;
How our words are like hammers and what this entails in terms of responsible use; Why communication skills are essential rather than soft; And why its so important that youth and young adults can see role models similar to themselves in diverse public speakers.
Curious? Let’s Clarify It!
If you are a speaker or need a speaker -- be sure to check out Tricia’s gorgeous I need a Speaker platform www.ineedaspeaker.com
Speaker seeking engagements? Tricia is offering Let’s Clarify It listeners promo code 1YRINTRO for a special price on your listing.
Thanks so much, Tricia, for a delightful conversation and invitation into your world and for the important work you do in it!